Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Revit 2014 installation issues

Hopefully most users won’t have any issues installing Autodesk products but issues can occur.  I am using Windows 8 64bit.  If you get a similar issue to me then this may help you fix it.
I downloaded the installation file which unpacked itself to C:\Autodesk.  Once it finished unpacking it immediately launched setup.exe which threw up this error: (lucky me)
You can locate LiteHtml.dll in the following folders:
  • C:\Autodesk\Autodesk_Revit_2014_English_Win_32-64bit_dlm\Setup
  • C:\Autodesk\Autodesk_Revit_2014_English_Win_32-64bit_dlm\x64\en-US\RVT2014\Program Files\Autodesk\Root\Setup\en-US\MRF\Setup\Setup
  • C:\Autodesk\Autodesk_Revit_2014_English_Win_32-64bit_dlm\x86\en-US\RVT2014\Program Files\Autodesk\Root\Setup\en-US\MRF\Setup\Setup
The setup is unable to see dll’s in any of its subfolders.  I copied the dll from the first location (since it is probably for the 32bit setup) into the same folder as the setup.exe and it was able to find LiteHtml.dll  since it went on to look for another dll.  So I copied the full set of dll’s and the setup.exe succeeded bringing up an install screen but then I got the LiteHtml.dll error again.  This time it was probably looking for the 64bit version but still using the one I copied into the root.  Perhaps Confused smile
Long story short…


This is what worked for me.  Paste all of the dll’s from:
The setup then worked as originally anticipated and I was able to look forward to the new official release of Revit.


  1. Building Design Suite 2014 is even worse.
    1. If you can first find 100 GB free space to download and unpack it (and my 2-days of experience in trying this says plan for 150), then I received the following problem:
    2. When trying to install on my corporate login (MYNAME.COMPANY-HQ), it creates new file structure as MYNAME.COMPAN_1_HQ, and then it cannot find the files because no MSI's were in the folder.
    3. Then I opened in my personal login. Still writes to another folder without the MSI. I did a search of the originals and the RVT2014.MSI was not in the unpacked folders.

    Net result--after 2 days of trying to get it operational, I have still not gotten it to install.

    1. Looks like it didn't like the hyphen but no idea why the msi is missing. I did notice with unpacking Navis that it started deleting all the unpacked files when I got low on space. Not the best installers I've come across. Installing AutoDesk products does seem like an epic undertaking sometimes. I would definitely put in a support request even if you manage to fix it.

  2. A cleaner way would be to add the full path of the setup folder (the \setup directory with the DLL's) into the Windows System Variable for PATH and remove it when you finish the install.

  3. worked for me thanks

  4. Thank you! You are helped me a lot

  5. Wow thanks! This works for Autocad 2014 aswell where I had the same problem at installation.

  6. Thank Bro , it Worked fine :)

  7. Not working... when i hit setup.exe nothing happens... Do not know what to do... =( =( pls help

    1. Is nothing happening literally? Without more info or a warning I wouldn't know where to start. I would log it with Autodesk as a support request. They have a category for installation I believe. Get your reseller involved too. Not really an answer but hope it helps. Good luck

  8. hi..i just upgraded my os to windows 8 pro edition. And currently trying to indtall revit 2014 on my laptop. But it kept saying that i cant install the program on my current system. Could you help me out. Thanks before...

    1. Sorry sharqey, if you have tried the above then I'm not sure what else it may be. Very hard to answer without digging around and experimenting with a system. The solution in my post took a couple of hours to figure out sitting in front of the screen. I like trying to fix problems and was in a hurry to get it resolved but my best advice is always put in a support request with Autodesk. They can remote connect and help fix your machine. What's more, whatever they figure out will help them prevent it from happening to other users. Good luck.

  9. how to resolve problem of system not able to find path specified... C:\users\profilename\AppData\Local\Temp\_Ai3645.tmp\x64\RVT2014\RVT2014.msi

    1. Is it giving you the option to browse for the file? If not, find it on your computer and copy it to the path Revit is looking in.

    2. No option to browse. it's like a system error notification alert.
      do you mean that i need to create subfolders ( the path) that Revit is looking in?

    3. Yes, create the path and put the file in. That should satisfy the error

  10. Thanks a lot. Worked with Revit 2014 on a windows 8 64 bit.

    I see other people still having an issue with it not doing anything at all. If you previously tried to fix the issues by copying the "litehtml.dll" into the SYSTEM32 folder, make sure you delete it out of that folder before running the setup file. The only folder the DLLs (for Revit 2014) should be in is the SysWOW64 folder.

    Thank again!

  11. Thanks Barrie Sharp You are life saver. It was totally frustating for me but now it working smoothly..Many Thanks keep posting
